Our Ministries

For more information on any of the groups listed on this page, please contact the church office at 307.234.8964.

Youth Ministries

As a church, we strive to provide a high quality, active youth ministry. Children and youth are not just "the church of tomorrow" but an essential part of Christ's church HERE and NOW! Special annual events include "Youth Sunday" (when worship is led by youth for the entire congregation), Vacation Bible School (in the summer for children), and summer church camps.  If you are interested in any of these activities, please look at our "Calendar" to find times and dates.

Adult Ministries

Our congregation is blessed with adult members representing multiple generations who come from a variety of backgrounds and have a wide range of interests. We have a very strong Disciples Women's Ministry - which includes traditional Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF) circles, an evening "Godly Girlfriends" group, and annual participation at the regional Women's Renewal retreat in Colorado.  We offer a weekly Saturday morning Men's Bible study, and our men are encouraged to attend an annual retreat at Estes Park in May, and a "fly-fishing and theology" event in the Big Horn Mountains in the fall.  We have many opportunities for adults to serve through the Eldership, Diaconate, and Ministry Commissions as well as opportunities to volunteer throughout our community.

Music Ministries

Music is an essential part of our worship and fellowship.  There is no better way to show our faith than through music. We offer many opportunities for music ministry, including Chancel Choir, Adult Handbells, Praise Team, and Soloists throughout the year. If you are interested in any of these ministries, click on the Music Ministry page for more information.

First Christian Church Preschool

The purpose of First Christian Early Childhood School is to promote the social, physical, academic and spiritual development of preschool children ages 2 1/2 through 5 years in a warm and loving Christian environment.